wheatSoil carbon sequestration is a win-win strategy. It mitigates climate change by offsetting anthropogenic emissions; improves the environment, especially the quality of natural waters; enhances soil quality; improves agronomic productivity; and advances food security. It is the low-hanging fruit and a bridge to the future, until carbon-neutral fuel sources and low-carbon economy take effect

field“Agriculture is recognized as a sector with such potential and farmers, ranchers, herders and other land users around the world can and should be part of the solution to climate change.”

  • HANDThe full mitigation potential of agriculture was not considered during the negotiations for the Kyoto Protocol because of scientific uncertainty at the time. Yet since then, science has caught up, and monitoring the CO2 sequestration into soils can be monitored with much greater accuracy


Updates Subscription



We will be putting out occasional updates giving news on all aspects of bio-agriculture and climate change, including;

  • Bio-agriculture in climate change negotiations.
  • Research developments.
  • The work of Bio-Agriculture Limited.


As the updates are published, copies will be posted on this page.



UPDATE No.1 - May 2010

UPDATE No.2 - January 2011